Grappling through emotions, chaos, perceptions, and expectations can be rough, tough, and tumble indeed!
As we embark forward to covering this helpful, needful, but often skipped over, (or perhaps avoided), topic the goal is to do so with the timing of holidays upon us and rolling forward very quickly!
So...our next set of sub-topics in the realm of cognitive distortions involves Emotional Reasoning, Fallacy of Fairness, ALWAYS Being Right, and Heaven’s Reward Fallacy.
Emotional Reasoning, this is where our emotions and feelings tend to scramble or hijack our clear logical thinking process. Our brain is so overcome with colliding emotions and perhaps a tsunami of unsettledness, all rational thoughts and logic seems to disappear. For many in our culture, this is a counter intuitive idea. One questions...these are my TRUE feelings; how can they be inaccurate? They are mine, what I truly feel in this moment and each one is 100% accurate. This thinking can quickly become a “Self-FulfillingProphecy” over time. Examples of this dangerous way of thinking may sound like:
“I feel stupid, therefore I am stupid.”
“I feel inferior, so I am a second-rate person.”
“I feel hopeless, so I am doomed to fail.”
“I feel inadequate, unsuccessful, and unhopeful so I have no hope to succeed.”
“I feel it, so it MUST be TRUE!!”
Assuming our emotions and feelings reflect non-negotiable facts can be a dangerous path to traverse. Accepting our emotions and current feelings as pure truth is different from owning our feelings and seeking to work through them.
Lately, we are all thinking toward, planning for, and perhaps even hoping for a beautifully wrapped up holiday season filled with peaceful planning, delicious delicacies, and settled schedules. While these are noble hopes...hmmmm are they truly realistic?
Now, on the other hand, heading toward the holidays might stir the daunting memories of the recent or longtime past. Statements such as:
“Here comes another couple of months of misery as the holidays are ALWAYS miserable for us!”
“The holidays are NEVER happy around me; I hate the holidays and they hate me.”
Fallacy of Fairness involves a strong belief of your view and according to the rules and judgements you hold, anything which does not fall into your personal take on the situation.Cooperation and collaboration does not always seem or appear fair. But let’s unfold this a bit more, fairness versus equality. If something is fair, it meets the needs of all involved.For example, at the dinner table, when this is fair, each person eating is given the opportunity to partake of foods which will offer their physical body necessary nutrition. If a situation is equal, each person will be given exactly the same portion and provided with exactly the same foods to eat. Equality for someone who has a dietary issues won’t work in this scenario. If there is an allergy, giving each individual the same amount and type of foods is not reasonable. The same is so mentally and emotionally. Deductions we make in our thought process, ways we interact with and speak to in relationships does matter. While the hope is kindness would prevail, adopting thoughts such as...
“If my partner really cares about me and my wellbeing, they would take on more responsibility with this house”.
“If(a certain situation)happened to this person I would do _______,(therefore they should do what I BELIEVE I would do).Why are they not doing ________, (more or better or different), to/with/for me?“
"If (someone else)were going through a tough time like I am...I WOULD be calling and sending them cards...therefore, I KNOW they really don’t care because they are not calling and sending me cards.”
Fair and equal can lead us to extreme thoughts and cause us to place unnecessary judgements on ourselves and others.
Always being right, yikes, this is a cycling trap which keeps going around and around and around and around. In this case, we justify our own way of thinking or behaving...being wrong or at fault is entirely UNTHINKABLE. As this thought pattern continues, it FEELS so logical it gravitates quickly to illogical...And let’s face it, we have all been present and heard someone caught spinning in this type of a thought pattern. It feels almost impossible to listen and the deep desire is evident that the goal is WINNING...and there is no room for any sort of conversation, must less a debate. This can be fatal to relationships...let us raise our awareness and open our minds. Very different from compromising of self, we all learn from listening, considering, and then making informed decisions.
Heavens Reward Fallacy, sad but true, wouldn’t it be amazing if we were immediately noticed and rewarded EVERY time we KNOW and BELIEVE we had done the RIGHT thing?At times there is a tendency to invest so strongly, we are at risk of becoming inclined to ignore our own vital needs in hopes of a reward. This leads to a martyr’s viewpoint where themes of severe personal sacrifice and unproductive self-denial invade. While we all desire to love fully and completely and to be loved the same way, we must keep perspective.
So...if plans for the holidays do not seem to be coming together...remember priorities are noble, finding the important elements of a situation is imperative, but keep a healthy hold of yourself and seek to grasp all the good possible in regard to others.
So...for years...we have traditionally hosted a Thanksgiving Breakfast in an effort to include, connect, embrace, and celebrate with a diverse array of loved ones in our lives. 2019 marks the last year we hosted this event which traditionally exceeded 100 for attendees and offered 1000’s of beautiful memories. Covid (in our estimation) ended it...
Applying the aforementioned subtopics to this real-life scenario has been thought provoking...
Emotional Reasoning - We feel empty without carrying on this tradition so now every Thanksgiving is empty.
The truth is our Thanksgivings 2020 & 2021 looked to be very different but exactly what we and those who ended up joining us needed... and this one coming up...has already been a MIGHTY Adventure to plan and put together...woohoo!
Fallacy of Fairness –COVID killed our tradition and our lives are awful and UNFAIR.
The truth is Covid changed everyone’s life and view of traditions. We are grateful to have lived through it and we will see what the future holds!
ALWAYS Being Right -NO Thanksgiving event has EVER been what ours was...
The truth is there are an array of amazing Thanksgiving events and celebrations. Our style was right for us and we want to always remember the good which grew and the potential we have for moving forward while allowing those who have attended in the past to reignite the tradition or have freedom to have begun their own with a background of sincere inspiration!
Heaven’s Reward Fallacy –“ For Heaven’s we have to find something else to help us earn rewards...”
The truth is we would not have to do anything perceived as special to keep moving forward in life. The sacrifices and willingness we choose to make, we are doing with the best and healthiest intentions...we can sleep in peace every night!
While we have thought through the right time to re-open and re-ignite the tradition, we do not know when or if that will ever be we shall wait see;)! For now...we are going to gobble up the goodness which awaits us for this week! And for all who are reading this...we pray safety, health, and immense wellness for YOU & YOURS ☺
Processing through life
Feels like navigating strife
Filter through to find the joy
Focus on good and employ
Refrain from jumping into negativity
Keep on questing toward positivity
Catastrophe and calm reason
May not merge in each season
Push through and say you will
Even on standby find a calm still
Yes maybe you shoulda or coulda
But let go of the revolving woulda
Grit and persevere
Mindfully drop fear
When hope is distant without a WIN
Gear up to find the next path to begin
Press through
You CAN do!
© 2022 Kathleen Bauer, Ed D
Alongside her husband B