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Unprecedented Times: Self-Care for the BODY

Kathleen • Jul 27, 2020

As we continue through the chaos of this pandemic and ponder what the next steps will be, how long activities will stay open…Let’s look at ways we can maintain being physically active as we perhaps; Struggle, Strive, Stretch, and Strengthen from the inside to the outside ultimately impacting self and those around us.

Staying positively busy is vital and necessary to keep care of one’s body. Is balancing this a struggle for you or someone you know? For some yes, others not so much. If so, how will you strive and push through by strengthening and stretching ?

A memory of my late mother, Mary Lou comes to mind. She was by nature, always primarily sedentary physically. Even when sitting amidst action and activities, she loved verbally interacting with others and frequently found opportunities to share her “opinion”. My husband and I tend to be very active even on a slow day. To this day we often laugh family wide at a statement my Mom made about Brian one time.

Mom had just been teetering with dementia and he and I were scurrying around taking care of things for her travel. As she aged, the responsibilities on our end became greater to prepare her for visits with extended family. She quickly became “stuck” on the highlight reel of… “He is SUCH a BUSY BODY!!” And she meant he is always up and going and seeking to fix, to help, perhaps striving to pull many aspects of the need at hand together. She traveled to my sister’s house saying it several times and just like that and still to this day…Brian is known as the family “BUSY BODY”…! This is saying a lot given we have a marathon biker in the family and tons of other energy.

Lesson here??? BE BUSY, stay up and going…and look to make something happen! Another aspect…find the balance…but stay BUSY with your BODY as much as it allows, finding your full strength and potential.

Even when confined or limited to quieter activities…such as needing to work and school from home find and integrate movement the best you are able!!

An evident and very real struggle for people of all ages has come to mind throughout this season of COVID-19. Simple and quick handshakes or friendly endearing hugs are non-existent in most public venues. Perhaps, you have noticed yourself reaching out, striving to connect and nearly offended someone before catching yourself.

Another physical inhibition entailing a struggle and stretch …the wearing of MASKs!!

Have the masks found you feeling inhibited with your communication?  Brian and I are constantly mentioning to each other lately…We feel like we cannot see, breathe, hear, or understand with our masks on…yikes!! While eyes are and can be communicative…it has been interesting to experience this real-life reminder of just how dependent we are on the various components of our body for communication.

While this topic brings more questions than answers…perhaps the list below will spark your thoughts and lead you to revisit something classic or discover a refreshed approach to caring for your body.

Self-Care Ideas for the Body

  1. Give your body ten minutes of mindful attention. Use the body scan technique to check in with each part of your body. Raising awareness of your body both internally and externally helps to center.
  2. Oxygenate by taking three deep breaths. Breathe into your abdomen, and let the air puff out your stomach and chest. Count to 3, push the stale air out, and be refreshed…;) In your nose and out of your mouth…
  3. Get down and boogie. Put a favorite tune on and MOVE it!! Dance like no one is watching…
  4. Stretch out the kinks…by leaning, gently moving and bending.
  5. Run, jog, walk, or a combo for a few minutes here and there. If you’re stuck inside…go up and down the stairs three times…or more;) An additional way to add in extra movement is to intentionally park far away rather than finding the closest spot… take advantage of adding some extra heart healthy steps when you’re out running errands!
  6. Narrow your food choices. Pick several healthy preferred meals and rotate them in for the week. Find a couple of treats to enjoy on the weekend!
  7. Activate your self-soothing system. Applying moisturizer or sunscreen to your arms, hands, and feet can be pleasant.
  8. Take a quick nap or “think time”. Ten to twenty minutes can reduce stress. Staying still and just quiet for a few minutes accommodates your inner being and leaves you refreshed and ready for action.
  9. Drink an extra glass of water each day.
  10. Give your body a treat. Pick something from your wardrobe that feels great next to your skin.
  11. Enjoy a few minutes in the sun, breathe in the fresh air while you take in the rays. FRESH AIR THERAPY!!!!!
  12. Chew a piece of gum.
  13. Inhale an upbeat smell. Try peppermint…it suppresses food cravings and boosts mood and motivation and is a stomach settler!
  14. Try a new recipe or enjoy a fun classic…Cooking is an art and science allowing creativity to flow with a potential for activating all senses throughout the process!
  15. Have a good laugh. Read a couple of comic strips that you enjoy, re-share a funny story with someone, or watch a few minutes of something to find that giggle!
  16. Look for creative ways to physically connect…Hold up a “C” for “COVID CONNECTION”, elbow bump, air high 5 or air HUG ???! Remember to use your eyes!!

As we take care of the essential
May we discover extra potential

Struggle and strive to ignite and energize
Stretch and strengthen as you reprioritize

Authentically align your awareness to go
From there your energy will surely flow

As you mindfully consider your physical BODY
Look to uncover your own inner BUSY BODY!

So…the question lingers…Are you ready to find your version of being a balanced BUSY BODY??!

As you consider your position, feel free to add your thoughts, takeaways and ideas!

© 2020, Kathleen Bauer, Ed D

By Loving Lifelong Learning 11 Mar, 2024
By now in your journey… regardless of age or stage, you have most likely heard the term “SEL” or Social Emotional Learning. But what does it really and truly imply? SEL is a detailed and multi-faceted process through which we function by; understanding and managing emotions, making plans and striving to achieve goals, feeling and expressing empathy and thought for others, establishing and maintaining positive and healthy relationships, and displaying responsibility in decision making. Extending far beyond personal feelings, SEL is an ongoing process of merging what one knows to be true in a situation and then implementing appropriate skills and actions to direct and take the next steps and so on. SEL skills do need to be taught and practiced, lived out. Similar to other natural bents, some individuals are inclined and wired more instinctively to implement effective SEL competencies into real life situations. When prioritizing SEL in life, components of EQ or Emotional Intelligence will undoubtedly rise up. Possessing qualities of emotional intelligence will lead us to face life and the inevitable crisis points with lower stress levels and fewer overreactions. Self and social-awareness and management of self and relationships are the focus. Maintaining self-awareness and accepting one’s own capabilities and limitations leads to a strong foundation for being impactful in achieving success in self-help and growth, benefiting those around us, and fostering an overall sense of peace and happiness. Effectively navigating through life, an abundance of situations offer opportunity. Opportunity to lead even when it is not the title given to you, opportunity to stay quiet when you desperately yearn to set the record straight or prove your point, opportunity to speak up when you feel emotionally and physically tongue tied. We all have had and will continue to have growth experiences in the realm of Social Emotional Learning and its implementation. Are you able to articulate benefits you have gained thus far from seeking to learn and integrate SEL into your own life? Will you be willing to probe deeper? When have you struggled to implement SEL? Truth be known, we’ve all been there right? In the midst of an unbelievable conflict, one we may not have seen coming and could never have imagined…what happens in that moment? Seek to find commonalities of life experiences, both positive and negative, build on them well with a hope to acquire fresh skills, and hone in on the “important” and lasting impacts. After this…take the risk to make needful life, heart, and soul adjustments…This is an ongoing, thought provoking and HONEST process…Go for it! What are the differences in our emotional stances which may lead us to pursue better comprehension of our own heart and mind, embracing another person’s situation, and then demonstrating an appropriate and respectful demeanor amidst chaos and edginess that in the moment feels impossible to navigate through? Bottom line question…Where are you in your journey? It is not ever too late to learn Find a way to take a fresh turn Many talk about being well-rounded Consider options to keep you grounded In strength manage yourself and understand Impact for good no matter where you land With courage, confidence, and initiative Challenge yourself to live appreciative Embracing self and others mind and soul Making a plan to achieve the next goal Take each deliberate step abandoning haste Not one experience will you want to waste When called upon to sympathize Willingly take the risk to empathize Even with limitations and a lack of access Trust and wait and believe in the process Mindfully journeying leads to a continuum of health Social Emotional Learning offers heart and soul wealth © 2024 Kathleen Bauer, Ed D Alongside her husband B Add into this conversation by sharing personal experiences & scenarios!
By Loving Lifelong Learning 30 Jan, 2024
January 29  th is NATIONAL PUZZLE DAY…This is truly what they say! This may be overstated at times, but oh so true. Doesn’t LIFE feel like an ENORMOUS puzzle to untangle or solve? Do you feel like you are relentlessly on guard to cover, work through, need to solve or figure a whole lot of somethings and happenings out?? Are you concerned in the here and now and are not all the way sure how to get through just for today? Relating to good friends, acquaintances, coworkers, or even family members or siblings might feel puzzling and filled with emotions which need to be navigated through to put into place. Our interactions with others and many relationships oftentimes cause us to wonder if what we are doing, saying or how we are being matters. And then we continue to ponder more and find ourselves on a wondering jaunt, maybe even a bit puzzled as we are seeking ways out of how we might find the best way to work out of or hopefully work well to get through the current MAZE before us. Perhaps in this puzzling life…we will all benefit from some tried and true thoughts toward demystifying the discombobulation which feels looming and foggy. Staying active and aware of mindful living both physically and mentally matters. Cognitive clarity is a vital component to life and living. When we endeavor forward in a variety of activities we are naturally energized. Engaging in conversation, thinking activities, reading aloud and quietly, along with completing puzzles are all pieces which help us keep vitalized and refresh on this journey we call life. Resiliency is seizing opportunities to enhance and multiply existing strength. Are you resilient? Implementing mindfully rich activities refreshes and offers a boost assisting us in building upon our fortes while simultaneously challenging areas which could benefit from growth. Operating with a mindset of extending flexibility and grace helps us connect to others and offers an internal positivity enhancement. A sense of belonging is a beautiful thing, so go for it! As you dabble forward and seek to make sense out of the happenings from your own life and times puzzle… Stand strong to end the first month of this new year well…ready to carry forward...and learn or attempt something new…You just may find refreshment on the way. Exercise your lifelong learning capabilities and find some sort of PUZZLE to engage in, perhaps a recipe to try or tweak and GO FOR IT! Join the conversation here by adding in on what YOUR most challenging life puzzle is…or share something you’ve tried to learn and part of the journey you traversed in doing so… Puzzling through life Causes joy and strife With focus resilience and grit Work your way out of the pit From a maze to an acrostic or a word search Some situations threaten to leave us in a lurch The power of a puzzle… Does it feel like a muzzle? Or will you work life’s puzzles and seek to solve Finding meaningful teachable moments to resolve… In some ways all lives are a puzzle to be seen and loudly heard Other days so much action takes place without a spoken word Whatever the season However you reason May your life puzzle come together in spite of the suspense Mindfully leading your heart and soul to help it make sense © 2024 Kathleen Bauer, Ed D Alongside her husband B For extended inspiration…check out these links! https://blog.tcea.org/five-crossword-puzzle-makers/?utm_source=TCEA+Emails&utm_campaign=6bf24803e6 RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_f3a5bb651e-6bf24803e6 68333575&ct=t(RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN)&mc_cid=6bf24803e6&mc_eid=00c98f8b07 https://blog.tcea.org/happy-national-puzzle-day/
By Loving Lifelong Learning 18 Jan, 2024
Recently…in the midst of navigating the regular chaos of life, seeking to process the international distress, and intentionally taking time for mindful conversations, I have been INSPIRED! Inspired by caring individuals who are questioning life as well. Motivated to find the good, because it is there. Refreshed to continue doing so many tasks I LOVE. Seeking to achieve balance. Why do we assume every piece of life has been easy? Quite frankly, it feels tangled! Not long ago, I was in the process of working with my hair, yes my hair. The set-up is amazing, including heavy duty durable outlets in a hidden cabinet and space for all of the necessary equipment to take care of my “aging” hair. This system works well, has for quite some time, keeps the bathroom tidy and is typically maneuverable. One specific day it became super complicated…oh no…all of those times I was hurrying, avoiding keeping things in order, came to haunt me with the TANGLING of much more than the 2 cords it had begun with. YIKES! I had a huge mess, was in a frantic hurry and just kept pulling and pulling and pulling. Disconnection happened. Finally, since I was unable to make use of any of the products or hair care pieces due to the invasion of the tangled mess; I stopped… Knelt down… Took a big breath… Decided to devote the necessary effort and time to regroup this area… Ahhhhhhhhh it all came back together, operating as it needed to be and soon there was no evidence of a tangle at all. In this moment I found myself, mind wondering and wishing situations in life could be ever so easy to untangle. And even more strongly, hoping I would recognize needs immediately and find a way to intentionally untangle every “ISSUE” with greater efficiency. Life does not always go as planned. Sadness looms, loved ones in my circle are fighting for their lives, light bulbs burn out, chaos prevails, calm seems to be only an unreachable dream, and happiness a mere wish. However, in the midst of all of this, let us aim to remember…Balance is key, questions are okay, and yes life is filled with an array of tangles. So…what are we to do now? I certainly don’t have exact answers…but maybe we can quest forward with renewed vigor to: Redefine balance as a goal & accept uneven terrain through the process. Perhaps find and opt for another lens to view through. Ponder living in a state of Being amidst all of the Doing. Consider whether lovingkindness is a filter for which you function. And…What about dedicating some time right now to untangling something and making TODAY your BEST DAY EVER?! Is this possible? What if we all prioritize maintaining the TANGLES by rebooting, refreshing, and reviving? And possibly attempt to approach these tasks and TANGLES as gifts to unwrap? Endeavoring to see all situations and individuals as filled with potential, and focusing on the good, the beauty, and the best, which is yet to come…WOW! Well…wouldn’t that be WONDERUL?! On the journey Life feels heavy Take the time to realize Good is there to recognize Inspiration is possible Motivation is do-able Working well through pain Feels as if there is no gain Refresh your systems to reboot & flow Embracing the next season might show The beautiful and best Even when put to test Comes through Surprising you Take a look and smile Be engaged for awhile Learning and leaning into the navigatable Living and loving through the inevitable Somehow some way Things will all be okay… Love and learn to gain and grow Others might be inspired to glow © 2024 Kathleen Bauer, Ed D Alongside her husband B
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