Have you ever thought about all the acronyms we use in life…many of them we have used for years…
And for all of those Winnie-the-Pooh fans…Tigger’s popular phrase before bouncing off, TTFN… “Ta ta for now!”
Then when texting and social media growth began happening we expanded to…
Then acronyms grew more…
IMO (I thought this was a pizza)
And now many of us must look these up online to figure out what our kiddos and younger others are trying to communicate to us…
TL;DR (If youngsters would pick up the phone and talk with us, maybe this wouldn’t happen)
There are other acronyms like YOLO (been around for a long time), FOMO is more recent…Fear Of Missing Out.
If you Google “Fear Of” a long list of phobias pop up. There are well over a 100 Phobias…the top two are the Fear of Spiders and Snakes; that’s odd…isn’t that more like common sense, and not a Phobia? There is also the Phobia or Fear of long words which ironically is 36 letters long…RLLY???
Reflecting the other night FOMP came to mind…Fear Of MisPerception. Had never heard of this…could I have stumbled on to the next social media craze?? Should I copyright this before posting?? Again, I Googled FOMP and found 26 acronyms, but not Fear Of MisPerception. Am I onto something?? What is it I mean by FOMP…?!
A wrong or incorrect understanding or interpretation.
A false or inaccurate perception.
To perceive incorrectly, misunderstand.
Misconception, mistake, misunderstood, misread, misinterpretation, misconstrue…
Have you, or do you, have FOMP…Fear Of MisPerception?? Someone calls into question your character or motives…how do you feel when this happens? Fearful, defensive, angry, sad, offended…do you have a fight or flight reaction? Maybe your boss is cross examining you on your performance, or a decision you made. Could be a friend who misunderstood your sigh as a sign you are tired of hearing about their struggles.
Being misunderstood, blamed, labeled incorrectly causes sadness and maybe even DEPRESSION. It may make you feel like you are going crazy, not understanding how others can think “this” of you…Why would they think this way about me…?? How could they view me in such a way? What is wrong with me…GOD please please help!! Sleeplessness, not eating, (or eating way too much), because your mind will not, CANNOT, stop racing about the MisPerceptions, what others think about you…your reputation…your character, perhaps even a career.
Let’s view through another lens; What about the times you have a MisPerception of others?? You call into question someone’s character or motives…How do you feel when this happens? Fearful, defensive, angry, sad, offended…Do you have a fight or flight reaction? How are you processing those around you? You assume you know what that “look” meant…the clearing of the throat was obviously out of contempt, RME. Maybe your bosses “cross examination”, was really a quest to understand what is truly going on, a MisPerception on your or my part? The interaction with your significant other was passionate, not angry…or angry and not passionate??
IMHO, FOMP and MisPerceptions themselves, lead to many relational issues over time…assumptions, jumping to conclusions and mind reading…these may result in resentments or the building of walls between self and others. This can happen based on negative past experiences with others…and secondly in something we call Cognitive Distortions, or Negative Thinking Styles. Maybe you filter out the positives and only focus on the negatives…take a situation and misinterpret it or push it to the catastrophic edge…personalize, blame, create unrealistic expectations or perhaps you just have to be RIGHT…SRSLY this is too much to think about…
When you view others…is it their pain talking, or is it your misplaced pain doing the speaking? Are you over critical? How have you been misjudged and what will you do to try and not misjudge or misperceive others?
Going forward we will be looking at Cognitive Distortions at a deeper level…what are they and how can I change that negative thinking? Or perhaps a better way to say this is “stikin’ thinkin’.” Let’s mindfully lean into positivity, health and TRUTH…
Thoughts become our self-talk
Quickly they turn into a walk
By holding thoughts captive we take action
Mindfully giving definition to our direction
Find the blessed even when you are surrounded by the worst
Chaos will turn beautiful and offer your soul a freshness burst
Diligently seek to prepare
Consistently remain aware
Unexplainable moments come and may take our breath away
Yet, when invited and desired, peace presides and will stay
Find a smile
Let it stay awhile
Penetrating your inner heart
Igniting a freshened restart
Take in the sunrise
Right before your eyes
Don’t miss the settling of sunset
Lest the day’s progress we forget
Good awaits those who work and rest
Even in the midst of a never ending test
Bottom line is we are all going to wrestle with authenticity and believability. Feeling fake is one thing being fake is another. Being assumed as not real when in the depths of your being you are real…may lead to FOMP!
As always…you are invited to join in this conversation
We all grow and learn so well through collaboration J
© 2022 Kathleen Bauer, Ed D
Alongside her husband B
The post FOMP appeared first on Loving Lifelong Learning.