When seeking thorough and lasting communication we will strive to acknowledge self and others while displaying kindness. This is easy to write, shows up in conversation at times, but living it out…a completely different task for sure!
It has often been stated, “Hindsight is 20/20”. With the calendar year we are currently in, so many are reflecting forward with hope and looking for clearer “vision” throughout this year, 2020. A new decade, fresh beginnings filled with a new lens to view life and situations through.
As we wrap up this communication series on Active Listening by prioritizing and giving attention to our Focus, Acknowledgement, & Asking Questions …the word CONFIRM rises up. Paraphrasing a message being shared using the following…
”What I hear you saying is…”
“Let me see if I understand you…”
“Please correct me if I am wrong…”
…may indeed be helpful…However, this is very different than “ parroting” or “ repeating”.
Why might parroting a person not be the greatest idea?? To begin with, in the realm of conversation, one may feel like laziness is being conveyed or perhaps that just using the same words back, takes little to no effort. Parroting has a tendency to come across as being condescending or sarcastic.
On the other hand, how is paraphrasing beneficial? For the listener, it offers opportunity to connect with the speaker and ensure accuracy for what is being conveyed…for the speaker, there is opportunity to feel heard and may give a different perspective of understanding themselves and how they are communicating (or not)…
Reflecting on those all too familiar moments when one feels desperate to feel known and understood… My husband Brian and I were recalling a situation he encountered early in his pre-career. As you may or may not know, he has an extensive background in the realm of mental health. A therapist who desires to counsel others, he has numerous stories of attempts, successes, and as we all experience, some tough situations that may be viewed as “failures in waiting”. The process of communication can easily be tangled.
Brian’s up close, very real and personal experience as a practicum student … I can still remember my professor teaching us how to paraphrase well and distinctly reminding us NOT to parrot in the realm of counseling and especially when the emotional stakes are fragile, tender, and intense…After this concept was reviewed early in the week…I had a Thursday late evening session with a specific couple I was working with regularly. Along with other issues at hand, they displayed verbal hostility toward each other…
So there we were, in session… shortly after being taught to NOT parrot others. I was tired, young in my career, desiring to get it all right and…in the middle of the raging, one partner screamed intensely… “I AM SO ANGRY”!
Internally, I was struggling, feeling hopeless for their relationship, unsure about my skills, and I looked up, made eye contact, and promptly said, “You are really ANGRY aren’t you?”. At this moment, with flames shooting out of her eyes she intensely YELLED at me… “YES I AM AND STOP REPEATING ME”.
YIKES!! Note to self: don’t ever parrot another person as long as you live and my professor was RIGHT on!! Listen and implement BRIAN!!
SO…What was needful in that moment?…Perhaps something like this…”You are really fearful aren’t you? Fearful that this relationship will not last. Devastated that you are going to be embarrassed in front of your friends and family when this blows up and out. Fearful about the financial ramifications as you have strapped yourself so tightly in? Desiring deeply to be loved and valued? Words such as these were needful, and may have been a much better attempt in paraphrasing to capture the essence the issues and confirm the message in the moment of PAIN at hand. This would not have only tested my understanding of this client, but perhaps offered her an avenue to understand herself and emotions more fully.
Situations call for messages of confirmation whether intensely happy, connective, disappointing, or deeply sad. Viewing mindfully and empathetically matters.
A question coming to mind is…how will you cultivate yourself as you lean into authentic listening, hearing, and confirming those around you? Feel free to join in the conversation!
Acknowledging and Asking will achieve Confirmation
Collecting all thoughts may bring unity in summation
All of these together provide adequate direction to pursue
Drawing together hearts souls minds and a refreshed view!
© Kathleen Bauer, Ed D 2020
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