As we head into another Holiday season or rather are already IMMERSED into another one…are you ready to practice offering your Presence versus leaving it to all kinds of meaningless Presents ??? There is no ONE SIZE FITS ALL…or a shape fitting every situation as everyone needs ALL five types of LOVE…Everyone benefits from giving and receiving ALL varieties of being loved and adored…cherished and treasured.
WORDS of affirmation folks…need to hear assuring, uplifting, and loving words often and regularly…and LOTS OF THEM!!!
TIP: Remember for WORDS of Affirmation bents…no news is not good news to these people, and empty words hurt more than they help.
Quality TIME ers will benefit from seeking to find JOY in the moments together even if they feel abbreviated…Maximize on the quality even when more quantity is hoped for.
TIP: Quality TIME can be Quality Conversations and/or Quality Activities… TIME together matters !
Acts of SERVICE is helping another practically and with a cheerful attitude! It is taking a To Do item off their list, or doing something they are not good at or perhaps struggle with.
TIP: If someone in your life is an Acts of SERVICE bent, ask for and collect a practical list of what you can do to help around the house, the office…and then stay consistent in keeping up with the list!!!
Physical TOUCH folks LOVE…a handshake, pat on the shoulder or hug from a close friend, it means the world to them…these people are DYING with how COVID has impacted touch.
TIP: For Physical TOUCH , allow the other person to coach you on what kind of touch is filling versus costing. AND always be aware of the motive touch is initiated with.
Tangible GIFTS are FUN, offer happiness, and can be very meaningful… Remember it is the thought that counts…you were thinking of THEM with the gift…
TIP: For GIFTS …Always seek to invest and give with an open hand and heart.
Keeping in mind, already some very non-traditional, masked, and socially distancing events have happened and will continue to take place this season. There is no one way street on the path of fostering, developing, and enjoying healthy relationships…there are numerous avenues and aspects to pursue. We are hopeful you have taken some nuggets away of this most recent sharing and feel more equipped to GO FOR IT in newly refreshed ways!
WHAT better time to pursue others and our view of relationships than the holidays!!?
Our capacities vary and various seasons of life offer new obstacles and challenges in regard to embracing and understanding others around us…They may even open up and refreshen your world of relating to others. Remember, implementation of the 5 Love Language approach may not be quick or natural for you personally, but is obtainable!!
TIP: Sometimes we can zero in on what someone’s top Love Languages may be by listening to their requests, desires or…at times, complaints…
BIG TIP: You will often find your top two Love Languages may differ from your significant other, best friend, siblings, etc… It is not uncommon for one to be drawn to or connect with someone who has a different Love Language priority list. On one hand this can offer balance in life and loving others, on the other hand it can cause potential conflict and loneliness…since we all tend to fall back on seeking to love others the way we feel loved. While it is a noble effort to love well, realizing someone else may resonate with being loved differently can transform relationships!
TIP: There are times you can intertwine two love languages such as: raking leaves together (Service/Time), complimenting someone while holding their hand (Words/Touch), watching a movie while snuggling on the couch (Time/Touch), maybe sharing a photo or short video clip of a GIFT being enjoyed encompassing…(Time/Service/Gifts/Words)!!
TIP: There will be life situations where someone may need more of a particular Love Language than normal or usual, and it might not even be their typical #1 or #2. Example: often the need for Touch increases when someone experiences a death.
TIP: Be aware of your blind spots…your #3, #4 and #5 Love Languages. We GUARANTEE you have people in your life with these needs…fulfilling these love needs are NOT a waste of time, they will be a stretch, but worth the investment in the relationship!!!
TIP: If TIME is your #4 Love Language, but it is your significant others #1…and they keep trying to love you with TIME …learn to accept it as a gift and as their way to deeply and personally connect with you!! Possibly… view it this way …Oftentimes, we coach young children to say “Thank You” when gifts are given, whether they were requested, anticipated, or even wanted. Results may vary but FRESH JOY has often been experienced unexpectedly!
The problem is not that we are unloved; the problem is that we have a limited view of love’s expression. We need to broaden our views. We will benefit from questing to improve our LOVESIGHT ! Let’s move forward embracing rather than overlooking the subtle, creative, unique ways love comes to us and in turn learn we are able to offer meaningful “love” in a plethora of ways.
Express desire versus demand
Connections do not command
Allow heart, mind, and soul to unify
With loved ones seek peace and apply
Quest to live and love well
Mindfully your story to tell
Whatever WORDS
you choose to say
Thoughtfully lift a heart come what may
Will you take TIME
to extend beyond schedules and yourself
in relationships offering more than your back shelf?
are powerful and can be a detriment
Thoughtfully and wisely consider when you implement
Working in tandem is the key
For balancing out you and me
Aspire to be an authentic version of YOU
Find wholeness and health in all you DO
, and tangible GIFTS
Offer practical happy ways to give hearts surges of lifts
We all need love and concern and care
How will you communicate and share?
Thoughtfully lift a soul come what may
Seeking to show your love in many a way!
© 2020 Kathleen Bauer, Ed D
Alongside her husband B
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